Opening of the Eighth Centenary of the Canticle of Brother Sun
January 2, 20258th Centenary Events,Main Page,NewsIn 2025, we will celebrate the 800th anniversary of the composition of the Canticle of...

Letter on Stigmata: Beyond Mount La Verna
September 16, 20248th Centenary Events,Circulars / Other Documents,Main Page,NewsGeneral Minister’s Message: How Has Christ Transformed Us?...

May 29, 20248th Centenary Events,Formation,Main Page,NewsA formation program for the Franciscan Centenary of 2024. Franciscan Centenary 2024 (PDF)...

800th anniversary celebration of the Stigmata begins Jan. 5 at La Verna
December 29, 20238th Centenary Events,Main Page,NewsAll members of the Franciscan Family, both religious and lay, are invited to the Sanctuary...

Franciscan Family of Nazareth: Celebrating 800 years of the Rule
December 2, 20238th Centenary Events,Main Page,NewsCoinciding with the Franciscan centenary celebration of the anniversary of promulgation of the Later Rule...

Pope Francis tells the Franciscan Family: Go out into the world
November 29, 20238th Centenary Events,Main Page,NewsThe pope’s special message to members of the Franciscan Family was read at St. John...

Invitation to celebrate the “Later Rule” on Nov. 29
November 18, 20238th Centenary Events,Main Page,NewsInvitation to the Lateran celebration of the Rule...

Plenary indulgence on the occasion of the eighth centenary of “Christmas at Greccio”
October 26, 20238th Centenary Events,Circulars / Other Documents,NewsLetter from Conference of the Franciscan Family...

Via Vitae: Celebrating 800th anniversary of the rule in Rome
August 13, 20238th Centenary EventsVia Vitae: Celebrating the Rule...

Celebrate the first 2 centenaries as a Franciscan family
May 11, 20238th Centenary Events,Formation,News800 years of the rule and the crib in Greccio (PDF) Letter from Formation Secretariat...

Centenary celebration at Greccio on Jan. 7, 2023
January 7, 20238th Centenary Events,NewsProgram booklet for kicking off the centenary celebration at Greccio on Jan. 7, 2023. In...

Guidelines for Celebrating 5 Franciscan Centenaries 2023-2026
September 17, 20228th Centenary Events,Circulars / Other Documents,NewsLetter accompanying thematic grid Thematic grid Guidelines brochure by Conference of the Franciscan Family Image...