General Chapter

2024 General Chapter

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Video diary on YouTube | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 |



WORK FOR PEACE: When the words of the Gospel make you hurt, pray…

The topic was “Work for Peace,” and Dina Shabalina, OFS, discussed it from a unique...
Dina Shabalina

A day for peace

One might say Nov. 16 was a day of peace, justice and business for the...
Peace and disarmament speaker

3-year budget approved

ROME – The body of the General Chapter overwhelmingly approved a budget on Nov. 16...
Treasurer Roberto

A vocation to be with and among people – an untiring prayer

Fr. Massimo Fusarelli, the minister general of the OFM friars, began his General Chapter homily...
Fr Massimo Fusarelli

Friar praises OFS while YouFra spreads joy

The day began with enthusiasm and a shared sense of hope and mission, thanks in...
YouFra and Fr Carlos

Panelists: Love of God, Love for Others, Love of Self

LOVE OF GOD ROME — A panel discussion on several types of love was among...

Singing friar urges OFS to be counter-cultural

In addition to being minister general of the Third Order Regular friars, Amando Trujillo Cano...
Fr Amando

Keynote presentation addresses our response to God’s love

Delivering the General Chapter’s keynote address, Michèle Altmeyer, OFS, first pointed to Saint Paul’s comment...
Michèle Altmeyer

General Chapter approves revised International Statute

ROME – The voting body of the Secular Franciscan Order’s General Chapter overwhelmingly approved its...
Delgates vote