Formation Secretariat
Silvia Noemi Diana, OFS, Presidency Councillor CIOFS (Argentina)
Eremenciana Chinyama, OFS, Presidency Councillor – Africa Project. CIOFS (Zimbabwe)
Stefan Acatrinei, OFM Conv. General Spiritual Assistant CIOFS ( Romania)
Lucia Hidveghyova, OFS (Slovakia)
Diane Frances Menditto, OFS (USA)
Mayara Ingrid Sousa Lima, OFS (Brazil), Secretary”
Alonso Acevedo, OFS (Chile), Coordinator
2024: Servant Leadership in Writings of Francis and Clare
2023 Theme: Animation and Servant Leadership
Thematic Guide for Formation Programs (2023)
Essential documents (Rule, Constitutions, etc.)
Formation program on St. Louis (8 themes)
Formation: Servant leadership in the writings of St. Francis and St. Clare
2024: Servant leadership in the writings of St. Francis and St. Clare...
St. Bonaventure: 750th anniversary of his death
Toward an Encounter with Bonaventure: A Journey Toward Existential Wisdom. Anniversary of Bonaventure...
A formation program for the Franciscan Centenary of 2024. Franciscan Centenary 2024 (PDF)...
2023 formation theme: Animation and Servant Leadership
2023 theme: Animation and Servant Leadership...
Thematic Guide for Formation Programs (2023)
Dear OFS brothers and sisters, National Councils, Peace and Good, The Secretariat for Formation presents this “Thematic Guide for Formation Programs”. We hope that all national councils will pass this material on to our local fraternities and encourage its dissemination and implementation. Your brothers and sisters. CIOFS Formation Secretariat Thematic Guide for Formation Programs (2023) … Thematic Guide for Formation Programs (2023) Read More »...
Celebrate the first 2 centenaries as a Franciscan family
800 years of the rule and the crib in Greccio (PDF) Letter from Formation Secretariat (PDF)...
Reflections on health and faith by Victoria I. Tirro A., OFS Pychologist, Psycho-Gerontologist Universidad Metropolitana (Caracas- Venezuela) EN Sister Life (PDF)...
Laudato Si Week (May 16-24)
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the program of the Laudato Si’ Week, that will be celebrated from May 16 to May 24 and that has the Holy See sponsorship, has been revised and can be found in the website here. In summary the proposal is as follows: the world is now in crisis, and … Laudato Si Week (May 16-24) Read More »...