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“Well4Africa” fundraising campaign in Canada

The social initiative “Well4Africa” is blessed to share a message which we believe will be a great testimony of the Franciscan spirit to the whole Order. In the beginning of 2020, the National JPIC Team of the Secular Franciscan Order in Canada decided to help our brothers and sisters in Africa by joining the CIOFS …

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walking together image for Koinonia

Koinonia 2020_4

Let us begin our discussion on Franciscan economy by looking at some details of the allegorical  painting on Poverty in the Lower Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi. The painting is attributed to Giotto  or better known as the School of Giotto and is dated around 1334. K O I N Ō N I A …

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Boy drinking clean water

Well4Africa News and Annual Report 2020

6 Water Projects Completed, 2 More Under Way Social initiative “Well4Africa” was born as a particular fruit of the 3rd European OFS and YouFra Congress, which took place in Lithuania in 2018. Since the theme of this Congress was “Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow from within him” (Jn 7:38), the …

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Drinking clean water

‘Well4Africa’ receives official letter from Cardinal Peter Turkson

After having read the document Aqua fons vitae: Orientations on water, symbol of the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth released in 2020 by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in May we wrote to the Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery, asking for his blessing and …

‘Well4Africa’ receives official letter from Cardinal Peter Turkson Read More »

Koinonia 2020_3

This third issue of Koinonia reflects on the relationship we have with our environment. It follows the 2020 theme on great changes. Because of the times in which we live, this relationship has become a great challenge for all of humanity.   K O I N Ō N I A  _ …together on the journey …

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Young people in our fraternities: realities, protagonism and assistance

As a family commission we want to offer special attention to the young people who enter our Order, many of our families share the Franciscan path between fathers, mothers and children, nephews / nieces, grandchildren, so we want to dedicate this work proposal to them for to better accompany this journey of youth vocation in …

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ocean of water

Reflection on Water as Symbol of the Cry of the Poor and Cry of the Earth

The JPIC Commission is pleased to share the reflection, Aqua fons vitae: Orientations on Water, symbol of the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth. It was released by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, following the celebration of World Water Day 2020. This new document is rooted in the Social Teaching …

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