
peace dove

Letter of Peace and Solidarity to OFS in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters, yesterday we published a letter from our General Minister by which he calls us to pray for peace on Ash Wednesday. This other letter that we are publishing here is a message of solidarity with brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Let us keep them in our prayers in this difficult time!


SECULAR FRANCISCAN LEADERSHIP FRATELLI TUTTI: SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP AS A WAY OF EVANGELIZATION FOR THE OFS Fr. Pedro Zitha, OFM Introduction We are living in a period in which individualism has become the “modus vivendi” and, consequently, the value of safeguarding the brother no longer makes sense. The other or the others no longer count anything; …

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Presentation of final report

The Secular Franciscan Order sets priorities for the next six years

Rome, November 30, 2021 | Press Announcement The General Chapter of the Secular Franciscan Order concluded its work on Sunday, Nov. 21, with delegates approving priority actions for the next six years as well as giving a mandate to their international leaders to complete the work of establishing permanent offices for formation, finance, communications and …

The Secular Franciscan Order sets priorities for the next six years Read More »