6 Water Projects Completed, 2 More Under Way

Social initiative “Well4Africa” was born as a particular fruit of the 3rd European OFS and YouFra Congress, which took place in Lithuania in 2018. Since the theme of this Congress was “Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow from within him” (Jn 7:38), the initial purpose of this social initiative was to bear concrete fruit ensuring safe drinking water for three communities in Uganda, Zimbabwe and Malawi. After the Congress, seeing serious support from many national fraternities, the CIOFS Presidency decided that “Well4Africa” was to become a permanent project of the whole Secular Franciscan Order, entrusting its management to the National Council of Lithuania.
So far, social initiative of the OFS has fully implemented 6 water projects and has 2 more under way. “Well4Africa” has already completed Namane and St. Lawrence water projects in Malawi, Kihani water project in Uganda, Sibi water project in Ghana, Shisong water project in Cameroon and St. Peter’s well in Masenyane, Zimbabwe. At the moment, “Well4Africa” has Kongo water project in Ghana under way and is starting the initial phase of a new project in Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre, Zimbabwe. Thanks to common efforts of the Franciscan Family and all benefactors, the current financial situation of the “Well4Africa” is as following:
Total amount collected from the beginning of the social initiative up to 15 December 2020:
- EUR 120,887.63;
- Total amount spent for the projects: EUR 87,884.63;
- Amount left for upcoming projects: EUR 33,003.