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2024 Issue Number 1 of Vox Franciscana (Winter/Spring)

The first 2024 issue (winter/spring) of Vox Franciscana is now available. This issue features: • a Secular Franciscan is behind an initiative to provide missionary support. • a report on the CIOFS Presidency’s meeting in Rome, with insights on on-going formation. • Secular Franciscans in Croatia have unique history of working with the homeless. • … 2024 Issue Number 1 of Vox Franciscana (Winter/Spring) Read More »...

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Family prays at meal

10 Commandments of Parenting al a Francis

From the Family Commission 10 Commandments of Parenting...

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S. Bonaventura

St. Bonaventure: 750th anniversary of his death

Toward an Encounter with Bonaventure: A Journey Toward Existential Wisdom. Anniversary of Bonaventure...

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cover of stigmata booklet


A formation program for the Franciscan Centenary of 2024. Franciscan Centenary 2024 (PDF)...

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solar panels

Donations provide solar power to earthquake victims in Syria

In February 2023, the Presidency proposed fundraising to help the people in Turkey and Syria affected by the earthquake on 6 February 2023. During 2023, €64,439.45 was collected. The Presidency decided to send the money collected through the Custody of the Holy Land. Since there are no OFS Fraternities in Turkey, with two transfers, the … Donations provide solar power to earthquake victims in Syria Read More »...

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Francis and brothers

2023 formation theme: Animation and Servant Leadership

2023 theme: Animation and Servant Leadership...

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Water well in Cameroon

Latest water project in Cameroon

Bagnai-Moulvoudaye water project in Cameroon Moulvoudaye is a subdivision in the Mayo-Kani division, Extreme North Region of Cameroon. Bagnai village is a remote area with a population of about 1,000 inhabitants and many nomads coming there during the dry season in search of water for themselves and animals. Its inhabitants are Tupuri, … Latest water project in Cameroon Read More »...

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Well4Africa news and annual report

Well4Africa news and annual report (PDF)  ...

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cover image

Report of 2021 General Chapter Available as Digital Book

The final report of the 2021 General Chapter is now available as a digital book from this website. Most of the report is in Italian, with a few sections in English, Spanish and French. Report of 2021 General Chapter (PDF) FlipBook version...

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S. Bonaventura

St. Bonaventure: A Voice Still Relevant Today

A letter from the general ministers of the First Order and the Third Order Regular on the 750th anniversary of the death of St. Bonaventure. Letter: Bonaventure – 750 years...

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Franciscan children

Guidelines for working with Franciscan children and adolescents

 Accompanying Letter Guidelines for Animation Guidelines for Children/Adolescants  ...

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Fresco of nativity scene

Koinõnia-04-2023: The nativity scene in the church

What significance does the Nativity scene have in the Church? Koinõnia-04-2023...

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La Verna

800th anniversary celebration of the Stigmata begins Jan. 5 at La Verna

All members of the Franciscan Family, both religious and lay, are invited to the Sanctuary of La Verna, Italy, on Friday, January 5, 2024, to attend the solemn inauguration of the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata. The event is entitled: “From Wounds, New Life.” It can also be followed via … 800th anniversary celebration of the Stigmata begins Jan. 5 at La Verna Read More »...

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Christmas message from the minister general

Like the Nativity, let Jesus come alive for us Christmas Card (EN & IT) | Christmas Letter |  ...

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Franciscan family in Nazareth

Franciscan Family of Nazareth: Celebrating 800 years of the Rule

Coinciding with the Franciscan centenary celebration of the anniversary of promulgation of the Later Rule in Rome on the 29th of November, all members of the Franciscan family in Nazareth came together to celebrate. The celebration included a mass in the Grotto in the Basilica of the Annunciation, presided over by Fr. Wojciech Bołoz, OFM, … Franciscan Family of Nazareth: Celebrating 800 years of the Rule Read More »...

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Papal coat of arms

Pope Francis tells the Franciscan Family: Go out into the world

The pope’s special message to members of the Franciscan Family was read at St. John Lateran Basilica on the anniversary of the rule approved by Pope Honorious III on 29 November 1223. Pope Francis’ Letter to the Franciscan Family (PDF)...

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Centenary logo

Invitation to celebrate the “Later Rule” on Nov. 29

Invitation to the Lateran celebration of the Rule...

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Koinõnia_03_2023: The nativity scene today

The significance of the nativity scene in today’s world. Koinõnia_03_2023...

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Statue of St. Francis

New Issue of Vox Franciscana

The summer/autumn 2023 issue of Vox Franciscana is now available. This issue features: an update on the sanctuary where St Francis preached to the birds. a look at the CIOFS Presidency’s spring meeting. stories on the impact of war (visiting Ukraine, participating in a peace conference, Franciscan creative arts helping to overcome the trauma of … New Issue of Vox Franciscana Read More »...

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Formation Secretariat logo

Thematic Guide for Formation Programs (2023)

Dear OFS brothers and sisters, National Councils, Peace and Good, The Secretariat for Formation presents this “Thematic Guide for Formation Programs”. We hope that all national councils will pass this material on to our local fraternities and encourage its dissemination and implementation. Your brothers and sisters. CIOFS Formation Secretariat Thematic Guide for Formation Programs (2023) … Thematic Guide for Formation Programs (2023) Read More »...

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Koinonia cover art

New Issue of KOINÕNIA: Holy Gospel as Rule of Life

Koinonia issue number 2 of 2023 expands on the theme, “the Holy Gospel as the Rule of Life”. Koinonia 02 – 2023  ...

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Holding hands in unity

Donation page is working

Donations and contributions may be made online via the Donation Page...

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image - Franciscan centenary

Celebrate the first 2 centenaries as a Franciscan family

800 years of the rule and the crib in Greccio (PDF) Letter from Formation Secretariat (PDF)...

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KOINÕNIA – 2023 Theme: Franciscans in the celebration of jubilees

The focus of this issue is “The Rule at the service of the charism.” KOINÕNIA – 1 – 2023...

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Franciscans at Vatican

Winter-Spring 2023 issue of Vox Franciscana

The winter/spring 2023 issue of Vox Franciscana is now available and features: at work and at prayer: a glimpse of the CIOFS Presidency. meeting the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. messages on servant leadership and the ministry of service. meet Friar Stefan, General Spiritual Assistant. meet Presidency Councilors Noemi, Francis and Felix. meet the formation and … Winter-Spring 2023 issue of Vox Franciscana Read More »...

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Kanafa water projject

Kanafa water project in Ethiopia

Kanafa St. Francis parish is located in the southwest part of Sodo town, which is 385 km away from Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. Even though the OFS and YouFra are not established on a national level in Ethiopia, local OFS fraternity of Kanafa is strongly organized and dedicated to follow the Franciscan charism … Kanafa water project in Ethiopia Read More »...

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Mbohtong Village

Mbohtong water project in Cameroon

Mbohtong village is a small mission station of Shisong parish in the North-West region of Cameroon where “Well4Africa” has already implemented one water project. St. Anthony’s community of Mbohtong is a part of the Sacred Heart local OFS fraternity in Shisong. It is the second permanent residence of lay consecrated women’s group recognized by the local … Mbohtong water project in Cameroon Read More »...

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Centenary celebration at Greccio on Jan. 7, 2023

Program booklet for kicking off the centenary celebration at Greccio on Jan. 7, 2023. In Italian. Program Booklet PDF...

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Koinonia 2022_4

With this last issue of Koinonia we conclude our journey on “the Secular Franciscans on the way in the Synodal Church” by dealing with the theme of “Witness of life as vocational promotion for the Secular Franciscans”. Witness of life, that ‘involves the conversion of the heart, attracted, conquered and tranOFSrmed by the One who … Koinonia 2022_4 Read More »...

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General Chapter group photo

Joyful announcement: Look forward to a Chapter of Mats in 2024

With great joy Minister General Tibor Kauser announces a Chapter of Mats for the Secular Franciscan Order and YouFra to be held November 14-19, 2024 in Rome, Italy. This will immediately follow the 2024 General Chapter. It is a way to celebrate the 800th anniversaries of important events in the life of St. Francis. National … Joyful announcement: Look forward to a Chapter of Mats in 2024 Read More »...

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Koinonia 2022_3

In keeping with the 2021-2023 synodal process, we thought it would be important to call the attention of Secular Franciscans to the importance of living their faith in a spirit of communion, participation, mission and true witness of gospel life in the Church, in the world of work and in the family. The best way … Koinonia 2022_3 Read More »...

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CIOFS emblem

OFS remember first minister general

The Secular Franciscan Order remembers Manuela Mattioli on the 30th anniversary of her death on Nov. 3. She was the first OFS minister general following the 1978 Rule from St. Pope Paul VI and the reorganization into a worldwide order. Letter from Minister General Tibor Kauser About Manuela Mattioli by 30th Anniversary Committee...

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part of cover

Check out the latest issue of Vox Franciscana

The summer/fall issue of Vox Franciscana is now available and features: a glimpse of the workings and personalities of the CIOFS Presidency. how a Presidency councilor wakes up to war in the Ukraine. how the OFS of Italy is helping injured and ill children from war-torn Ukraine. a report on the six-year experience of an … Check out the latest issue of Vox Franciscana Read More »...

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St. Francis

Guidelines for Celebrating 5 Franciscan Centenaries 2023-2026

Letter accompanying thematic grid Thematic grid Guidelines brochure by Conference of the Franciscan Family Image at top from a painting by Howard Schroeder, OFS...

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peace dove

Letter of Peace and Solidarity to OFS in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters, yesterday we published a letter from our General Minister by which he calls us to pray for peace on Ash Wednesday. This other letter that we are publishing here is a message of solidarity with brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Let us keep them in our prayers in this difficult time!...

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SECULAR FRANCISCAN LEADERSHIP FRATELLI TUTTI: SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP AS A WAY OF EVANGELIZATION FOR THE OFS Fr. Pedro Zitha, OFM Introduction We are living in a period in which individualism has become the “modus vivendi” and, consequently, the value of safeguarding the brother no longer makes sense. The other or the others no longer count anything; … Koinonia_2021_4 Read More »...

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Spirited chapter

Vox Franciscana magazine covers General Chapter

The spirit of the General Chapter is the theme for the winter issue of Vox Franciscana. The magazine provides extensive coverage, including the historic visit with Pope Francis.  ...

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Boy drinking clean water

‘Well4Africa’ Annual Report

“Well4Africa” news and annual report 2021...

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Mutemwa water project

Mutemwa water project in Zimbabwe

Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre is situated in Mashonaland, in the eastern province of Zimbabwe. The Centre is supported by the John Bradburne Memorial Society (JBMS), founded in memory of the OFS brother from the United Kingdom. The beatification cause of John Bradburne, who lived in Mutemwa for the last 10 years of his life taking … Mutemwa water project in Zimbabwe Read More »...

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Presentation of final report

The Secular Franciscan Order sets priorities for the next six years

Rome, November 30, 2021 | Press Announcement The General Chapter of the Secular Franciscan Order concluded its work on Sunday, Nov. 21, with delegates approving priority actions for the next six years as well as giving a mandate to their international leaders to complete the work of establishing permanent offices for formation, finance, communications and … The Secular Franciscan Order sets priorities for the next six years Read More »...

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san domino cross

Franciscan Centenary Will Be Celebrated Through a Series of Anniversaries


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Pan African Congress

Chapter approves budget for the next three years

Rome, November 19, 2021 | Press Announcement In order to carry on the work of the Order and the projects of the International Council of the OFS, the Chapter approved an annual budget that will increase in the next three years from 231,000 to 244,00 euros. This is the amount established and approved by the … Chapter approves budget for the next three years Read More »...

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Franciscan Youth

Chapter approves new CIOFS International Statutes ‘ad experimentum’

Rome, November 18, 2021 | Press Announcement The plenary assembly of the OFS General Chapter on Nov. 18 approved the modification of the International Fraternity Statutes ‘ad experimentum’. This means that during the next three years, its practical application will be evaluated before making a final decision at the next General Chapter. Although the modification … Chapter approves new CIOFS International Statutes ‘ad experimentum’ Read More »...

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Elections Table

Capitulars re-elect minister general, elect new vice minister general and area councilors

Tibor Kauser, OFS, of Hungary has been re-elected minister general of the Secular Franciscan Order. He now begins his second six-year term. Mary Stronach, OFS, of the United States of America is the new vice minister general. Mary is a former USA international councilor who has been serving with the Order’s Presidency as an interpreter … Capitulars re-elect minister general, elect new vice minister general and area councilors Read More »...

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Br. Michael Perry, OFM

CIOFS Presidency ends its service with mutual appreciation

Rome, November 16, 2021 | press announcement The CIOFS Presidency ended its service at the final afternoon session on Tuesday, November 16, before a plenary assembly of the General Chapter, after concluding its six-year term (2014-2020), one year later than expected because of the covid-19 pandemic. “We leave our mandate in your hands,” concluded Tibor … CIOFS Presidency ends its service with mutual appreciation Read More »...

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General Chapter participants at Vatican

Pope Francis tells OFS: ‘may you be men and women of hope’

“Let the Gospel, that is, Jesus Himself, shape your life,” Pope Francis told General Chapter participants in a private audience at the Vatican on Nov. 15. ” In this way you will take on poverty, minority and simplicity as your distinguishing marks before all.” “With this Franciscan and secular identity of yours,” he said, “you … Pope Francis tells OFS: ‘may you be men and women of hope’ Read More »...

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Capitulars at work

The XVI General Chapter of the OFS Begins!

A total of 57 capitulars (delegates) started the work of the XVI General Chapter of the OFS, which began Saturday afternoon with the Opening Mass presided over by the TOR General Minister, Fr. Amando Trujillo. The Chapter, which also involves about 40 observers and about 20 fraternal volunteers, will end the six-year term (2014-2020), extended … The XVI General Chapter of the OFS Begins! Read More »...

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Well4Africa invites you to become a donor of Kanafa water project in Ethiopia

by Virginija Mickute, OFS The main goal of Kanafa water project is to provide access to safe potable water for daily consumption (drinking, cooking, hand and body washing, laundry) and improve sanitation and health for 1,000 people (200 households), particularly for children under five, who are extremely vulnerable to diseases (diarrhoea, typhoid, intestinal parasites, etc.) … Well4Africa invites you to become a donor of Kanafa water project in Ethiopia Read More »...

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Help Well4Africa implement water projects like Afua

by Virginija Mickute, OFS Afua is a village in the North-West region of Cameroon. The village belongs to the Fuli-Kom parish which is part of the Bamenda Diocese. There is a local OFS fraternity of St. Clare and a few YouFra members in Afua. The population of 25,000 people consists of Christians and Muslims. Afua is … Help Well4Africa implement water projects like Afua Read More »...

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National "Casa" of Puerto Rico's National Fraternity

Latest Issue of Magazine Ready to View & Download

The summer/autumn issue of Vox Franciscana is now available for viewing and download. It features, among other things: the OFS in Puerto Rico celebrated the repair of their hurricane-ruined national “casa” (photo a above); the Orders celebrated “Memoriale Propositi”; Secular Franciscans operate the Teaching Garden in Sicily; A Secular Franciscan received the Volunteer’s Oscar in … Latest Issue of Magazine Ready to View & Download Read More »...

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ecology - globe

The Family And Caring For Our Common Home

The Family Commission wishes to propose the following theme for the fraternities, keeping in mind the great challenges that we are facing today. THE FAMILY AND CARING FOR OUR COMMON HOME PDF of this reflection Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis Consilium Internationale FAMILY COMMISSION Silvia Diana OFS Translation: Mary Stronach, OFS   The Family Commission wishes to … The Family And Caring For Our Common Home Read More »...

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walking together image for Koinonia


SECULAR FRANCISCAN LEADERSHIP 800 years of Memoriale propositi: the relevance for OFS Fr. Alfred Parambakathu, OFMConv. Introduction It is merely common sense to see that any legal document, written some eight hundred years ago, taken solely in its literal sense, cannot guide the life of a group of people in present day, unless that group … Koinonia_2021_3 Read More »...

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hug of peace

Theme 6: Peace – Commemorating the 800th Anniversary of ‘Memoriale Propositi’

A series of brief videos, commemorating the 800th anniversary of Memoriale Propositi, the Secular Franciscan inspirational document. Each video highlights a similarity between the 1221 document and the current Rule...

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girl praying

Course on Laudato Si on Franciscan JPIC Website

Inter-Franciscan Commission for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (informally known as Romans VI) has turned a webinar on “Laudato Si” into an online self-study course. The “Laudato Si” Action Platform course incorporates video, PowerPoints and text from the webinar’s morning and afternoon presentations. The morning presentations are posted, with the afternoon session expected … Course on Laudato Si on Franciscan JPIC Website Read More »...

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Memorial Propositi image with Tau

3rd Reflection: How to live the values of the Memoriale Propositi in today’s context

How to live the values of the Memoriale Propositi in today’s context by Attilio Galimberti Memoriale Propositi page...

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Theme 5: Prayer – Commemorating the 800th Anniversary of ‘Memoriale Propositi’

A series of brief videos, commemorating the 800th anniversary of Memoriale Propositi, the Secular Franciscan inspirational document. Each video highlights a similarity between the 1221 document and the current Rule...

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SECULAR FRANCISCAN LEADERSHIP SAINT JOSEPH, “SHADOW OF THE FATHER” Introduction We link almost immediately Saint Joseph to the virtues of silence and work, but probably not so immediately to our ideas of husband and father. Yet, he is the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the father of Jesus. This year, the Church commemorates … Koinonia_2021_2 Read More »...

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Memorial Propositi image with Tau

Reflections on Memoriale Propositi

Check out the reflections on Memoriale Propositi by Ottaviano Turrioni, minister of the OFS Fraternity of Cannara -Perugia, with the collaboration of Fr. Alfred Parambakathu OFMConv., general spiritual assistant. Historical Framework Text and Analysis...

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woman in prayer

Theme 4: Reconciliation – Commemorating the 800th Anniversary of ‘Memoriale Propositi’

A series of brief videos, commemorating the 800th anniversary of Memoriale Propositi, the Secular Franciscan inspirational document. Each video highlights a similarity between the 1221 document and the current Rule...

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The Family of Jesus, a Path to Follow

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In this small space for reflection we want to continue reflecting on the reality of our families. There are many realities that every family has to attend to and respond to at each stage of the life of its members. For this we consider what the Church teaches us today based … The Family of Jesus, a Path to Follow Read More »...

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family on beach at sunset

Theme 3: Family – Commemorating the 800th Anniversary of ‘Memoriale Propositi’

A series of brief videos, commemorating the 800th anniversary of Memoriale Propositi, the Secular Franciscan inspirational document. Each video highlights a similarity between the 1221 document and the current Rule...

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Kongo Well

Kongo water project in Ghana

by Virginija Mickute, OFS Kongo is a village community in the Nabdam district in the northeast region of Ghana with around 150 households and a Spiritual Renewal Centre (SRC) run by Capuchin friars. SRC is comprised of the Immaculate Conception Church, a retreat centre and a Marian Grotto, making it a popular pilgrimage site. Twice … Kongo water project in Ghana Read More »...

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Meadow with butterflies


Reflections on health and faith by Victoria I. Tirro A., OFS Pychologist, Psycho-Gerontologist Universidad Metropolitana (Caracas- Venezuela) EN Sister Life (PDF)...

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Person releasing birds - detachment

Theme 2: Simplicity – Commemorating the 800th Anniversary of ‘Memoriale Propositi’

A series of brief videos, commemorating the 800th anniversary of Memoriale Propositi, the Secular Franciscan inspirational document. Each video highlights a similarity between the 1221 document and the current Rule...

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walking together image for Koinonia


SECULAR FRANCISCAN LEADERSHIP ANIMATE AND GUIDE WITH A LEADERSHIP OF SERVICE Every generation has its challenges. Today we, all over the world, are fighting with covid. The pandemic puts into test our personal as well as institutional spirituality. In this new Easter season the Lord invites us not to lose hope, to maintain peace and … Koinonia_2021_1 Read More »...

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Theme 1: Fraternity – Commemorating the 800th Anniversary of ‘Memoriale Propositi’

A series of brief videos, commemorating the 800th anniversary of Memoriale Propositi, the Secular Franciscan inspirational document. Each video highlights a similarity between the 1221 document and the current Rule...

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The beatification of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, a Venezuelan physician (1864-1919) and member of the Secular Franciscan Order since 1899, will be celebrated on April 30, 2021. José Gregorio Hernandez is widely known, respected and venerated in many countries. A witness of holiness in his layman condition. He was a man full of virtues with … THE BEATIFICATION OF DR. JOSÉ GREGORIO HERNÁNDEZ, member of the OFS Venezuela Read More »...

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2021 Annual theme Family Commission

The sixth installment of material, from the family commission, to all the fraternities so that our local fraternities may reflect on the family as we were invited to do during the 2014 General Chapter.   PDF   To all OFS and Franciscan Youth International Councilors To all OFS National Councils To all Franciscan Youth National … 2021 Annual theme Family Commission Read More »...

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ofs emblem

Circular Letter: Reflections on Memoriale Propositi Are Becoming Available

EN Memoriale propositi – Letter formation material_February 2021 (PDF) See the Memoriale Propositi page for Tibor’s video message and the first reflection...

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ofs emblem

Celebrating 800 Years of ‘Memoriale Propositi’

EN Celebration 800 years Memoriale Propositi – circular letter (PDF)...

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logo Canada OFS

“Well4Africa” fundraising campaign in Canada

The social initiative “Well4Africa” is blessed to share a message which we believe will be a great testimony of the Franciscan spirit to the whole Order. In the beginning of 2020, the National JPIC Team of the Secular Franciscan Order in Canada decided to help our brothers and sisters in Africa by joining the CIOFS … “Well4Africa” fundraising campaign in Canada Read More »...

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CIOFS logo

Revised translations of official documents

From Minister General’s Letter: The Rule, the General Constitutions and the Ritual are the official and vital documents of our Secular Franciscan Order. They are not simple readings or juridical regulations but guiding principles for us to live our vocation. So, there is a good reason to love, study and live these documents and consequently, … Revised translations of official documents Read More »...

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walking together image for Koinonia

Koinonia 2020_4

Let us begin our discussion on Franciscan economy by looking at some details of the allegorical  painting on Poverty in the Lower Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi. The painting is attributed to Giotto  or better known as the School of Giotto and is dated around 1334. K O I N Ō N I A … Koinonia 2020_4 Read More »...

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A reflection on family and the pandemic

The Family Commission offers a reflection for fraternities to discuss: Family and pandemic, challenges in the face of this new reality...

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Presence in the World logo

Monthly prayer intentions for OFS-YouFra 2021

To underline the communion with the Pope, we offer the intention of the Holy Father for the month and an intention for OFS according to the life and important events of the Order. Local Fraternities pray for both. DOC 2021 January For the Evangelization – Human fraternity: May the Lord give us the grace to … Monthly prayer intentions for OFS-YouFra 2021 Read More »...

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Boy drinking clean water

Well4Africa News and Annual Report 2020

6 Water Projects Completed, 2 More Under Way Social initiative “Well4Africa” was born as a particular fruit of the 3rd European OFS and YouFra Congress, which took place in Lithuania in 2018. Since the theme of this Congress was “Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow from within him” (Jn 7:38), the … Well4Africa News and Annual Report 2020 Read More »...

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‘Hope is bold!’ Christmas Letter from the Franciscan Ministers General

As a result of a close fraternal collaboration and a living experience of belonging to the same Franciscan Family, the Franciscan Minister Generals send this Christmas letter to every member of the worldwide Franciscan Family. Secular and religious sisters and brothers from the whole Franciscan Family worked on it and now we can give it … ‘Hope is bold!’ Christmas Letter from the Franciscan Ministers General Read More »...

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Drinking clean water

‘Well4Africa’ receives official letter from Cardinal Peter Turkson

After having read the document Aqua fons vitae: Orientations on water, symbol of the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth released in 2020 by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in May we wrote to the Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery, asking for his blessing and … ‘Well4Africa’ receives official letter from Cardinal Peter Turkson Read More »...

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Reforestation by Franciscan Family

Vatican Book Provides Practical Examples for Implementing ‘Laudato Si’

The Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si, has released a book that presents practical examples aimed at implementing the encyclical. Titled “Journeying Towards Care for Our Common Home,” the book contains a series of short chapters...

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Franciscan Crown Rosary

History and How to Pray EN Franciscan Crown – how to pray...

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ofs emblem

World Day of Prayer on Nov. 29 for Secular Franciscan Order and Franciscan Youth

With the continuing impact of the pandemic, Minister General Tibor Kauser calls for a worldwide day of prayer for the Secular Franciscan Order and Franciscan Youth on Nov. 29, 2020. (Pray the Franciscan Crown Rosary.) Read his circular letter: EN Worldwide day of prayer Nov 29, 2020 – letter EN Franciscan Crown – how to … World Day of Prayer on Nov. 29 for Secular Franciscan Order and Franciscan Youth Read More »...

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Koinonia 2020_3

This third issue of Koinonia reflects on the relationship we have with our environment. It follows the 2020 theme on great changes. Because of the times in which we live, this relationship has become a great challenge for all of humanity.   K O I N Ō N I A  _ …together on the journey … Koinonia 2020_3 Read More »...

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Francis preaches to birds

The latest issue of Vox Franciscana is available

The summer-fall issue of Vox Franciscana is available. This issue of the international publication features: Piandarca: where Francis preached to birds. pandemic doesn’t stop Presidency business. the OFS at the Vatican. JPIC in Madagascar. the Tau – history and meaning. OFS action around the globe...

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Young people in our fraternities: realities, protagonism and assistance

As a family commission we want to offer special attention to the young people who enter our Order, many of our families share the Franciscan path between fathers, mothers and children, nephews / nieces, grandchildren, so we want to dedicate this work proposal to them for to better accompany this journey of youth vocation in … Young people in our fraternities: realities, protagonism and assistance Read More »...

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OFS Minister General Joins Pope for Signing of Encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti”

On the anniversary of St Francis of Assisi’s death, Pope Francis celebrated Mass before the saint’s tomb in Assisi and signed the encyclical, “Fratelli tutti”. OFS Minister General Tibor Kauser joined the pope for the occasion at the Basilica of St. Francis, along with other members of the Franciscan Family, including friars and sisters. VATICAN … OFS Minister General Joins Pope for Signing of Encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti” Read More »...

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Minister General Tibor Kauser

Secular Franciscans in Beirut Need Help Due to Explosion

A call for a fundraiser for OFS members in Beirut who suffered damage due to the explosion of last August. EN Lebanon letter from minister general...

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TAU at night at Piandarca

Site of Francis’ Preaching to Birds to Be an Outdoor Sanctuary

ASSISI — The field where St. Francis preached to a flock of birds will become an outdoor sanctuary. A press conference held June 26 announced the design of the project, introduced the artist and launched a campaign to raise 120,000 euros. The miraculous preaching took place circa 1220 in Piandarca, near the community of Cannara, … Site of Francis’ Preaching to Birds to Be an Outdoor Sanctuary Read More »...

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Basilica at Assisi at sunset

‘All brothers’: Pope Francis to sign new encyclical on Oct. 3 in Assisi

Pope Francis will sign a new encyclical after Mass celebrated in the Basilica of St. Francis on 3 October. The ceremony will take place without the faithful present, in respect of the current health situation. By Vatican News Pope Francis will visit the Italian town of Assisi on 3 October to sign a new encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti … ‘All brothers’: Pope Francis to sign new encyclical on Oct. 3 in Assisi Read More »...

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ocean of water

Reflection on Water as Symbol of the Cry of the Poor and Cry of the Earth

The JPIC Commission is pleased to share the reflection, Aqua fons vitae: Orientations on Water, symbol of the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth. It was released by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, following the celebration of World Water Day 2020. This new document is rooted in the Social Teaching … Reflection on Water as Symbol of the Cry of the Poor and Cry of the Earth Read More »...

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woman with graphic user interface

KOINÕNIA: OFS in times of great change

The latest issue of KOINÕNIA is published. Fr. Pedro Zitha, OFM, discusses “The secular franciscan and the immigrant” The KOINÕNIA theme for 2020 is: Secular Franciscans in times of great changes...

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Chapter group photo

Booklet on General Chapter Offers a Moment in OFS History

A booklet about the 2008 General Chapter in Hungary is now available in four languages (English, Italian, Spanish and French). The 24-page booklet by Robert and Mary Stronach offers a first-person account and reflection, along with photos, on the historic chapter, which was held in conjunction with the close of the 800th anniversary celebration of … Booklet on General Chapter Offers a Moment in OFS History Read More »...

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Photo from John Bradburne Memorial Society

Help us to drill water borehole in Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre, Zimbabwe

Mutemwa is a very special place situated in Mashonaland, in the Eastern Province of Zimbabwe where a Secular Franciscan from United Kingdom, John Bradburne, OFS, lived the last 10 years of his life, caring for the community there who were living with the devastating effects of leprosy. John was killed during the Zimbabwe independence war … Help us to drill water borehole in Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre, Zimbabwe Read More »...

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Franciscans International logo

Webinar on Pandemic and People in Poverty on July 13

Franciscans International is cosponsoring a webinar on Monday, July 13, on the topic, “COVID-19 and the human rights of people living in poverty.” The webinar is in English and runs from 3 to 4:30 p.m. CET (Central European Time). To participate in the webinar, please register at: Click here for details, including speakers/panelists. (PDF)...

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Marriage and the family: the reality and the challenges

Marriage and the family: the reality and the challenges (PDF) OBSERVE ¿WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD? The social reputation of Catholic marriages is falling. The numbers of 2018 weddings. Daily Newspaper El País. Madrid, Spain. Barely one third of weddings celebrated every year in Spain (163,430 in 2018, some 5.9% less that the previous … Marriage and the family: the reality and the challenges Read More »...

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Pentecost Dove

Minister General’s 2020 Pentecost Message

God lets us be surprised The answer we seek is in the Good News. Read Tibor’s Pentecost message   Italian: IT-Pentecoste messaggio 2020 Spanish: ES Pentecostés 2020 French: FR Pentecost message 2020 Portuguese: PT Mensagem de Pentecostes 2020...

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Blessing in Sibi, Ghana

‘Well4Africa’ Borehole Blessed in Ghana’s Village of Sibi

Joyful news in the middle of COVID-19 crisis – water borehole sponsored by “Well4Africa” social initiative was blessed and inaugurated on May 9 in Sibi community, Ghana. A small group of community representatives took part in the celebration due to safety reasons. Sibi is a small village in the Nkwanta District in the eastern part … ‘Well4Africa’ Borehole Blessed in Ghana’s Village of Sibi Read More »...

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Friar Marco Tasca

Friar Marco Appointed Archbishop of Genoa

Pope Francis has appointed Conventual Franciscan Friar Marco Tasca as archbishop of Genoa, Italy, the Vatican announced May 8. Friar Marco, who served as minister general of the OFM Conventual friars for 12 years, has been a friend to the Secular Franciscan Order, participating in OFS general chapters. “I am a friar and I remain … Friar Marco Appointed Archbishop of Genoa Read More »...

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Pope Francis invites participation in Laudato Si Week

Laudato Si Week (May 16-24)

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the program of the Laudato Si’ Week, that will be celebrated from May 16 to May 24 and that has the Holy See sponsorship, has been revised and can be found in the website here. In summary the proposal is as follows: the world is now in crisis, and … Laudato Si Week (May 16-24) Read More »...

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Easter Message from Minister General

“Proclaim the good news,” urges Minister General Tibor Kauser, OFS, in his Easter message to Secular Franciscans around the world. “This is one of the most joyful time of the year for us, Christians, because this is the moment to experience: life has overcome death.” Read his full message here...

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Faces of Secular Franciscans

Read the latest issue of Vox Franciscana

The latest issue of Vox Franciscana (winter 2019-2020) features these stories: • First OFS-YouFra Formation School of the Southern Cone • A pastoral visitation of the Presidency • Vatican Youth Forum • Historic workshop: Spiritual Assistants • OFS and Finances • OFS action around globe • Australia newspaper spotlights OFS  ...

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Crowd of Pilgrims in Kongo

Water Projects to Help 2 Communities in Ghana – Kongo and Sibi

MARCH 2020 — Kongo is a village community in the northeast region of Ghana with around 150 households. It is also home to a Spiritual Renewal Centre (SRC) run by Capuchin friars. SRC is comprised of the Immaculate Conception Church, a retreat centre and a Marian Grotto, making it popular pilgrimage site. Twice a year, … Water Projects to Help 2 Communities in Ghana – Kongo and Sibi Read More »...

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Villagers get fresh water

Project Brings Clean Water to St. Lawrence Parish in Malawi

26 FEB. 2020 — A “Well4Africa” water project was successfully implemented in St. Lawrence of Brindis Parish, Zomba diocese, Malawi. The parish is situated in the remote area, in the outskirt of Municipality of Zomba, Malawi’s old capital city. People around the Parish are subsistence farmers. They grow maize and vegetables for their livelihood. … Project Brings Clean Water to St. Lawrence Parish in Malawi Read More »...

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Nigeria National Council

Nigeria Holds Elective Chapter

The OFS emerging National Fraternity of Nigeria celebrated its National Elective Chapter on 29 February 2020. Lillian-Rita Akudolu was elected as national minister. Also elected: National Vice Minister – Gabriel John Udofia National Secretary – Appolonia Ochugnu National Treasurer – Victoria Udofia National Formator – Anne Asiegbu The newly appointed national spiritual assistant is Fr. … Nigeria Holds Elective Chapter Read More »...

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Venezuela National Council

Venezuela Celebrates Elective Chapter

The OFS National Fraternity of Venezuela celebrated its National Elective Chapter from 28 February to 1 March 2020. Marielide De Lima was elected as National minister and as International councilor...

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Chad Natonal Council

Chad Holds National Chapter

The national Fraternity of Chad has celebrated its elective Chapter. Ange-Gabriel Soulassanger has been elected national minister and international councillor...

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Albania National Council

Albania Celebrates National Chapter

The OFS National Chapter of the Emerging Fraternity of Albania has been celebrated in Bajze. Pavlin Ndreka has been elected national minister and vice minister Hana Kalj...

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Doves in flight

Letter on Study Guide for ‘Laudato Si’

Laudato-Si-Study-Guide (PDF)...

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Ivory Coast National Council

Ivory Coast Holds Elective Chapter

The OFS National Fraternity of Ivory Coast celebrated its National Elective Chapter on January 24-25, 2020. Christophe Iobognon was elected as national minister and Ludovic Dah as international councilor...

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Uruguay Holds National Chapter

The OFS National Fraternity of Uruguay celebrated its National Elective Chapter on November 29 – December 1, 2019. Sergio Rodríguez was elected as national minister and as international councilor...

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Tanzania National Council

Tanzania Celebrates National Elective Chapter

The OFS National Fraternity of Tanzania celebrated its National Elective Chapter on October 25-27, 2019. Lucy Nambuo was elected as National minister and Felix Mosha as International councilor...

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Laudato Si Conference

Laudato Si Generation Conference Focuses on Care for Common Home

A report by Kelly Moltzen, OFS, USA New and exciting initiatives, like the Great Green Wall across 11 African countries, were addressed at the The Laudato Si Generation Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya July 15 and 16. It focused on the role of faith and religion in the care for our common home, the role … Laudato Si Generation Conference Focuses on Care for Common Home Read More »...

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Swiss Secular Franciscan Is Canonized

Swiss Secular Franciscan Marguerite Bays was elevated to sainthood on Oct. 13, 2019, along with four others.  A native of Siviriez in the western Swiss canton of Fribourg, Bays belonged to the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi. Born in 1815, she was a laywoman from a farming background who dedicated herself to God. She worked as a seamstress, domestic help and … Swiss Secular Franciscan Is Canonized Read More »...

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Fr. Amando Trujillo Cano Is the New TOR Minister General

ROME — Fr. Amando Trujillo Cano, TOR, who served as general spiritual assistant for the OFS and YouFra for the past six years, was elected minister general of the Third Order Regular (TOR) on June 9, 2019. He succeeded Fr. Nicholas Polichnowski. A musician and song writer, Father Amando was known for bringing his gift … Fr. Amando Trujillo Cano Is the New TOR Minister General Read More »...

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Great Britain Holds ‘Beatitudes’ Chapter

Calling it their “Beatitudes” Chapter, Secular Franciscans in Great Britain held a Chapter of Mats June 21-23, 2019, to mark the close of the year celebrating the 40th anniversary of the OFS Rule approved by Pope Blessed Paul VI in 1978. National Minister Betsy Hart, OFS, described the chapter’s theme: “The essence of our Franciscan … Great Britain Holds ‘Beatitudes’ Chapter Read More »...

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Burkina Faso Elects

The OFS National Fraternity of Burkina Faso in West Africa celebrated its Elective Chapter on September 7, 2019. Denis Poda was elected national minister and international councilor...

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Cameroon Re-Confirms Minister

The National Fraternity of Cameroon celebrated its elective chapter from August 22 to 24, 2019, at the home of the Xaverian Fathers of Ngodi Bakoko in Douala. The chapter identified five priority themes to be implemented by the new council, including a commitment to form a National YouFra Fraternity. Genesis Ngwambi was re-confirmed as national … Cameroon Re-Confirms Minister Read More »...

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Slovakia Chapter Elects

The OFS National Fraternity of Slovakia celebrated its Elective Chapter from August 30 to September 1, 2019. Jozef Gazdik was elected national minister and Lucia Spodniakova as international councilor...

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Bust of Umiliana de' Cerchi

800th Anniversary of Blessed Umiliana de’ Cerchi in 2019

The Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) is celebrating the 800th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Umiliana de’ Cerchi, a Franciscan tertiary who lived and died in Florence, Italy (1219-1246). She was proclaimed blessed in 1694. Festivities took place throughout 2019, thanks to the Friars Minor Conventual at the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence. The … 800th Anniversary of Blessed Umiliana de’ Cerchi in 2019 Read More »...

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Painting of Veronica Antal

Secular Franciscan is beatified – Veronica Antal of Romania

NISIPORESTI, ROMANIA — A 22-year-old Romanian Secular Franciscan – Veronica Antal – was beatified Sept. 23, 2018 as a “martyr to chastity,” six decades after she was murdered while fighting off a would-be rapist during the Communist-era repression of the Catholic Church. Catholic News Service reported that Cardinal Angelo Becciu, prefect of the Vatican Congregation … Secular Franciscan is beatified – Veronica Antal of Romania Read More »...

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image of Lucien Botovasoa in stage banner

Secular Franciscan is beatified – School teacher Lucien Botovasoa of Madagascar

The Secular Franciscan Order participated in all the preparatory phases of the beatification ceremony. For the great Franciscan family – 1,000 secular and religious — it was a moment to live fraternal joy in one communityduring three days of pilgrimage: 13, 14, 15 April 2018.  The pilgrimage began at a church near where Lucien lived … Secular Franciscan is beatified – School teacher Lucien Botovasoa of Madagascar Read More »...

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Malawi water well

‘Wells for Africa’ project proceeding

By Virginija Mickute, OFS, and Monika Midveryte, OFS MARCH 2019 — The “Well4Africa” project, flowing out of the 3rd European OFS and YouFra Congress in Lithuania last year, is moving ahead in various phases in Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe...

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